Should I do my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

Should I do my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training?

(Even though I don’t want to be a yoga teacher?)

Should I do my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training? ABSOLUTELY. Even if you don’t want to be a yoga teacher, doing your 200 hrs is the perfect opportunity for you to go deeper into your yoga practice, explore different styles of yoga, and learn more about yoga philosophy.

If teaching is not your main focus.

Ask the school how many hours will be allocated to teaching, sequencing, and practice teaching. This will vary from school to school, depending on their primary focus.

If you want to do the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training course to explore and deepen your practice, finding a school that focuses more on other areas is something to consider.

Something else to consider, and this happens A LOT…

Some Students sign up for Yoga Teacher Training thinking they will never teach, but something happens along the way. Now that they have the tools and knowledge of how to sequence and cue, they realize that they can teach. Students may also want to share their love of yoga with everyone by teaching classes.

It’s about 50/50 at our school. Most students who think they will never teach do at the end of the training. Half know they want to be yoga teachers, and half join to deepen their practice, learning more about philosophy.

Should I do my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

If you want to explore different yoga styles

In your free time, you will have the opportunity to try different styles of yoga and different teachers. You will learn much from practicing with as many different teachers as possible. It would be best to look for a school that offers unlimited drop-in classes at the studio.

Does the school offer private yoga classes? If this is something, you would also benefit from, one 2 one classes where you can focus on specific things you want to work on, areas where you would like to be pushed, or areas you would like extra help with.

Is this included in the cost of your training or an extra add-on you must pay for?

Don’t feel bad or like you are being a pain in the butt if you have a stack of questions you must be clear on before choosing your school. Both you and the school need to know that you are suited to each other to get the best experience possible!

Good luck 🙂