Is it OK to fall asleep during Shavasana?
Shavasana (corpse pose): Sometimes, it is our favourite part of our yoga practice. We get to lie down and relax. How delightful! Shavasana, or corpse pose, represents the end of your yoga practice. It is time for your body to relax and for all motion to cease, except for the rising and falling of your chest and belly in sync with your breath. Often, people fall asleep in Shavasana. Many of us who have done it wonder, “Is it OK to fall asleep during Shavasana?
The goal of Shavasana is:
In this pose, your body is in a state of deep relaxation, yet your mind remains fully aware of what the body is doing. Your mind can concentrate on breathing, guiding you to a final state of profound stillness: a still body and a still mind.
Why do people fall asleep:
It is common for people to fall asleep in Shavasana. This happens to all levels of yogis, not just the beginners. For some people, they cannot help but fall asleep. All the elements are perfect for them, too… the soft yoga mat, relaxing music and dimmed lighting. Your body and mind are supposed to be completely relaxed in Shavasana. Not many of us get genuine moments of relaxation like this during our average day, so it makes it easy to fall asleep in that moment. Nothing terrible will happen if you fall asleep, and the yoga police won’t scold you. You will get some shut-eye. It probably means you are tired and should start going to bed earlier.
Why it is OK to fall asleep in Shavasana:
Some teachers might think it is beautiful that a student has fallen asleep. They might take it as evidence that you have ultimately let go and relaxed, which is the goal of Shavasana. Also, it can be taken as evidence that you truly worked hard in that yoga practice and need to rest.
Why it is NOT OK to fall asleep in Shavasana:
Other teachers might think differently. Traditionally, in Shavasana, one is completely aware of this pose. You focus very lightly on your breathing and know the sensations in your body and mind. You may be lightly reflecting, without any judgment, on the yoga practice you just had. That can be challenging to do while sleeping.
The honest answer to the question:
So, is it OK to fall asleep during Shavasana? The answer: it depends. Each teacher has a different opinion on it. If you are curious, want to explore your practice, or want to experiment with ways to be more aware and relaxed without falling asleep, check in with your yoga teacher. They can give you techniques to help you meditate and relax so that you do not dose off, opening up new possibilities for personal growth and discovery.
Also, it depends on you. Listen to your body. If you have fallen asleep, you are tired and need to rest. If you feel great after leaving class, whether you fell asleep or not, it’s probably OK to keep doing what you are doing.
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