Is it suffering from allergies or any hypersensitive immune reactions inside the body? Is it feeling dizziness due to seasonal allergies? Yoga will be the ultimate medicine for all ailments, starting from allergic reactions. The allergies are considered the reaction that causes hypersensitivity within the immune system, and they explicitly show many different types of symptoms in different individuals. In addition, allergies occur due to the interference of many allergens that have maximum proximity to the human body. Thus, medical science developed various treatments for the allergies created within the human body.
In that context, Yoga for allergYogawill can define precisely what allergies are caused and their effects. The reasons behind it are the common allergens that remain close to the human body, such as dust, smoke, pollen, certain foods, chemicals, perfumes, and colours. There has been allergy treatment in Ayurveda and Yoga for a long. Based on the allergen that has caused the allergy, the person will carry out the Yoga so that heYogashe can quickly relieve it. Therefore, the treatment through Yoga involves Yoga for a sinuYogaadache, yoga skin allergy, and much more by which the exact causative of the disease can be diagnosed and treated naturally.
The primarily affected organs regarding allergic reactions are the nose, sinuses, eyes, air passages, ears, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract. All of the mentioned organs show different reactions when they get exposed to their particular allergens by any means. During the allergic responses created in the nose, the symptoms are visible through the swelling of the mucosa, which in scientific terms is known as allergic rhinitis, which results in a runny nose and sneezing. It sometimes brings very embarrassing moments for the individual in various gatherings. Similarly, allergic reactions in the sinuses are known to be allergic sinusitis.
When the individual feels any pain or feeling of fullness or numbness within the ear and gets the sense of impaired hearing due to the lack of drainage in the Eustachian tube, it indicates the allergic spread within the ears. The most seen or common allergic reactions occur in the skin, which is very clearly observed through rashes like eczema and hives. Similarly, the human body feels various allergic reactions that occur in different parts. Therefore, to restrict foreign particles from entering the body, the body’s immune system needs to be reliable and effective to make a barrier to the entry of pathogens. Thus, Yoga provides power to the body’s immune system so that it can invade foreign pathogens. Yoga represents various poses that will help heal the allergic conditions and treat them with the natural inner power. Thus, the Yoga poses make allergens out of the body and provide a stress-free life. Below are mentioned a few yoga poses that will be helpful for the organization in fighting foreign pathogens.
- Kapalbhati Pranayama: This is the initial yoga exercise that has been known for decades. It’s the process that many saints and well-known personalities have long practised. It is known as the skull-shining breath in which the body gets oxygenated, and in that manner, the entire body gets detoxified. The respiratory system gets explicitly a transparent form of this pose, which has asthma allergens. It can be carried out by sitting on the floor and carrying out deep inhalation and forceful exhalation, which is to be carried out for 15 minutes.
- Marichyasana: This is the yoga pose known as Mariachi’s Spinal Twist, which cures food allergies and removes food allergens. It helps the stomach digest food better by improving the body’s allergic response. This pose is carried out by sitting straight-legged on the floor, holding the spine straight, bending the right leg at the knee, and pulling the right foot close to the right sit bone. It can also be carried out and vice versa.
- Matsyasana: It specifically eliminates seasonal allergies and stabilizes the immune system. It is carried out in the fish position, which stimulates the thymus gland and regulates the lymphatic system. It is carried out by sitting cross-legged and bending backwards.
- Anuloma Viloma: It is another vital asana that removes respiratory allergies by cleaning the respiratory system. It can be carried out by sitting calmly and closing the eyes. Then, deeply breathe by closing the left nostril with the ring finger. Then, deeply exhale with the left nostril by closing the right nostril with the thumb. The same is again repeated and vice versa.