yoga in a solar eclipse
Yoga in Solar Eclipse—The benefits of yoga and meditation are well known to everyone. However, it has been observed that performing yoga during the solar eclipse can profoundly enhance these benefits. According to the experts, during the solar eclipse, the earth regains its power. A new moon is also maintained in the universe, profoundly affecting humans’ physical and mental conditions. So, many restrictions are being kept during the solar eclipse to avoid unnecessary circumstances.
Some researchers have recently confirmed that performing yoga during a solar eclipse can lead to a hidden path connected to the ultimate life source. Life’s meaning will be much more apparent to individuals who prefer to practice yoga during the eclipse. With the birth of a new moon, a new spirit will touch the individuals during the solar eclipse. Thus, practising the following yoga asanas for the eclipse is highly recommended to ensure mental and spiritual stability.
Yoga in Solar Eclipse – Asanas should be performed:
During the eclipse, fitness levels are profoundly affected as the atmosphere changes colour. Because of the new moon, an environment of suffocation develops. In such conditions, taking good care of breathing is highly recommended. By practising kapalbhati, breath can be maintained at a reasonable level. Again, great peace can be availed for the mind.
Surya Namaskar:
During the solar eclipse, the moon covers the sun, maintaining an atmosphere of darkness. Surya Namaskar is recommended to respect the drowning sun. This yoga can profoundly enhance an individual’s spiritual power and create a unique relationship between mind and soul. It would be great if this yoga were practised five times.
By performing this yoga asana, blood circulation will be significantly enhanced. During the eclipse, there are some chances of being unconscious. But with gomukhasana, those risks are significantly reduced. Again, a fit body with good blood circulation is ensured. Practising this yoga for up to 10 – 15 breaths is recommended.
Some experts say that negative thoughts start to flow into the mind because of the eclipse. Thus, it is essential to maintain good peace within the brain. By performing Savasana, the body’s negative energy flow is highly reduced. So, Savasana is highly recommended.
The universe changes during the eclipse, and a new moon is born. This is the time when all the world’s hidden secrets are revealed. Thus, deep meditation is highly recommended to grasp the dark secrets of life and soul.
Thus, yoga practices are highly recommended to enhance the power of spirituality and mentality during the eclipse. Join a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course today and learn more about Yoga asanas during the solar eclipse.