Five mistakes we all make as beginners of Yoga
I clearly remember going through these stages when I started. It’s been 12 years, and I still consider myself a beginner. Since then, many friends have reported the same thoughts, and I have heard many students say these sentences. I’m happy to share my process, and I hope my story makes you smile. Perhaps you need to hear that you are not alone.
Here I come, walking into a Yoga class. I have a particular image of myself based on my history of activities and body awareness. Perhaps I’m an athlete. Or a dander. Or a mom returning to work after giving birth. I might have chronic back pain, and I hope for some pain relief. We all come with a story. The class starts, and I see many other people; some look like me, some not at all… why is that 60-year-old lady so bendy? Why is this 12-year-old boy so disciplined? How come I can not do half of what is happening here? Oh lord! I should look like that… I should be calmer! I should breathe deeper!
Who can relate to this train of thought? I can, for sure. I remember them.
Yoga is a diagnostic tool.
A few more classes later. “Now I know what is awaiting me on that ‘torture carpet of 2 feet by 6 feet’ some people call a Yoga mat. Here I come, world! Check me out! Will anyone stop me and my determination? Never! Look at me now, you bendy man of 65. Who said I can’t make myself into a pretzel? I will show you all. Perhaps tomorrow I will wear my Superman Yoga top too…”
Here is some news for my competing old self: No one in your Yoga class cares about your performance. They are all busy thinking the same things you are. Plus, stop pushing. You might hurt yourself.
OK, I get it. You are busy stretching, breathing, surviving, focusing, blah blah… I should do the same. But wait a minute. Why are we doing this together if it’s not a team sport? If there are no scores, prizes, or handshakes at the end, why does it matter if I even show up? I guess people around me are just selfish and self-absorbed. Am I selfish for taking time away from my kids? Perhaps this teacher doesn’t do their job well enough? Should we not ALL be better by now? How long is this going to take? I bet Yoga is not even for me… they keep getting better, but I am not 🙁
Judgements and labels are obstacles to your improvement. Leave them at home or outside with your shoes. Here is a new mantra: I am perfect for stepping on my mat today. Let me see what happens.
High expectations
In the world of quick-fix fitness programs and diet pills, why is Yoga taking years to master? I’ve been practicing for 4, 5, 6 years now. Still, I have some pain. Still, my digestive system needs help. Still, I’m not a perfect being floating on this magic carpet. Why can I not keep a regular schedule for my practice? Here I come. I will practice for 60 days in a row, and then, nothing 🙁
Hear me out, old friend: You are still a beginner. (You might stay that way for your whole life.) It’s OK. Get your calendar, schedule your classes, and show up. Make your plan sustainable and easier than you like. Keep showing up, one class at a time. The rest is just a matter of time.
Hold our breath
We hold our breath for something great to arrive, process the world’s pressure, and survive. We don’t breathe when we are confused, sad, or anxious. We hold our breath literally and figuratively.
This should be mistake #1, but I left it to the end. If I had a magic wand to turn my voice into a whisper and send it back in time for myself, this is what the voice would say: “Are you breathing right now, dear one?”
On this journey, I am with you, and therefore, I am grateful.