Yoga Poses to Fight against Coronavirus
With the rise in the COVID-19 pandemic, people are bound to stay home. Without significant physical activities, people are getting lazy as the gym and many fitness centres are yet to open to stop the spread of the pandemic. It has become essential for people to boost their immunity and stay away from this deadly virus as everyone knows the effect and the impact of coronavirus on the world. Hence, it has become necessary to take care of our health. Besides eating healthy, yoga has become a powerful tool to keep oneself fit and boost immunity. It is also the most natural form of exercise as you don’t need tons of equipment; all you need is a good yoga mat and a quiet corner at home, and that’s it.
Yoga to improve your immunity.
Yoga is a beautiful amalgamation of yoga asana and pranayama that stimulates internal organs like the digestive system, respiratory system, and many other vital organs that help build immunity, which is needed during this COVID-19 pandemic. If you are a beginner, many yoga schools offer online yoga courses on their social media handles, and AYM Yoga School in Goa is one such yoga school. Yogi Chetan Mahesh, an expert yoga guru, runs AYM yoga school. He also offers online yoga classes on the official Facebook page of AYM yoga school in Rishikesh. However, if you are under time constraints yet want to maintain sound health, besides practising breathing exercises or pranayama, Yogi Chetan Mahesh has shared five yoga asanas to fight the coronavirus.
Five yoga asana to fight coronavirus
Fish pose:
To start with this yoga pose, lie on your back with your arms resting beside you and your palms facing down. Now place your palm beneath your hips, close your elbows, and inhale. Lift your chest and then head off the mat. Keeping your torso off the floor gently lowers your head and touches the top of the head to the floor. Keep your palm pressed firmly on the ground, hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds, and then release it gently from the posture.
Fish pose is a significant immunity-strengthening yoga pose that detoxifies and boosts energy levels. Also, it gives you relief from nasal congestion.
Stand erect, keeping your feet hip-width apart and keeping your spine upright. Inhale and stretch your arms above your head, and as you exhale, bend your upper torso from the hips and rest your arms near the toes. Relax your hips and bend your knees a little. You can also hang your arms to give your hamstring a beautiful stretch. Stay in the pose for at least 10-12 breaths, then return to your normal position.
Inversion yoga poses are the best way to stimulate your body’s immune system, and they remove congestion from the sinus, also known as the first layer of defence.
Bridge Pose:
Lie down on your yoga mat, bend your knees, and keep your feet hip-width apart. Let your arms resting either side of your body. With an inhale, gently light your lower, middle, and upper back off the floor. Your weight should be on your shoulders, feet, and arms. You can also interlock your finger beneath your back for an excellent lift. Keep breathing, stay in the pose for at least 30 to 60 seconds, and release as you exhale.
The bridge pose is an excellent chest opener and opens your thymus gland, which regulates the growth of T-cells in your body. This helps create a secure defence system in your body, which is much needed in a coronavirus pandemic. Apart from that, it also reduces fatigue, insomnia, and backache.
Downward dog pose
First, this pose starts from the tabletop position, tucking your toes underneath and lifting your hips off the floor, making an inverted ‘V.’ If you are a beginner, bend your knees slightly to avoid the rounding of the back and engage your quad muscles to avoid putting significant weight on the arms. Hold the pose for at least ten breaths and return.
Downward dog is the best yoga pose to increase blood circulation towards the head and distribute white blood cells throughout the body that help build immunity. Also, it helps relieve lower back pain and stretches the hamstring and the following areas of the legs.
Legs up the wall:
Last but not least, yoga poses are a leg up the wall in this immune building. Start with lying down on a yoga mat near the wall, and make sure the side of your butt touches the wall. Now, gently swing your legs by moving your hips and rest your legs over the fence. If you have a tight hamstring, put a blanket under your hips. Close your eyes, breathe, stay in the pose for 10-15 minutes, and roll back.
This yoga pose is a power pose that improves the blood circulation in the body and revitalizes it. It reduces your stress level, which is needed this time, and boosts your nervous system.
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