Beginner Acroyoga Poses
Over the past few years, acro yoga has quickly grown in popularity, and a thriving community has built around it. This form of yoga is for everyone, and the community is here to help you get started.
Acro Yoga builds strength and flexibility, much like traditional yoga. The two types of acro yoga, often called acrobatic and therapeutic (solar and lunar), can be combined to create a balanced practice incorporating strength and relaxation.
Here are 7 amazing:
Acro yoga poses for beginners that you should try right now: –
Plank on Plank (Acro Yoga)
To kick off these beginner acro Yoga poses, Plank on Plank. An excellent introduction to the practice! In this pose, the base starts in a plank with a tight core and the flyer will carefully grip the base’s ankles with both hands. Next, working one foot at a time, the flyer will place the tops of their ankles on the shoulders of the base. This pose allows the base to experience the feeling of supporting the flyer’s weight and promotes strength in both participants’ abs, back, and shoulders! Plank on plank also gives the flyer an introduction to stability and balance.
Foot to Hand
One of the more accessible beginner Acro Yoga poses is the foot-to-hand. The base starts with their back on the ground and knees bent, with the soles of the feet firmly on the ground. Then, the flyer places their feet on either side of the base’s head. The base should slowly raise his legs and extend fully so the flyer can place their hands on his feet.
From here, the base will keep his triceps to the ground and raise his forearms to create a 90-degree angle in the arm. The flier will gently place one foot into the base’s hand and then the other so they are standing on the base’s hands. The fingers should wrap around the heel of the flyer. This can develop into a complete stand, and with practice, you can achieve this. Remember, starting with the box position is okay, as shown in the video below. Every step you take is a step forward in your Acro Yoga journey, so be patient and enjoy the learning process!
Folded Leaf
The base will start by laying on their back and lifting their legs to meet the hips of the flyer. The partners grip each other’s hands as the base lifts their legs, bringing the flyer off the ground. The flyer should keep their legs separated more than shoulder width apart as they are being lifted, and they will bend at the waist to fold onto the base’s legs. As the flyer folds, they let go of the base’s hands and reach them to the ground for support. This pose will test balance while still making the participants secure, and the base will become familiar with supporting the flyer’s weight just by using their feet!
Front Plank and Front Bird
The base will lift the flyer by putting its feet at its hips and clasping the flyer’s hands as they are lifted. The flyer should keep their legs straight and hold for a few seconds. These poses are a great way to start your acro yoga journey and provide a unique experience of being wholly lifted while having four points of contact as security.
Start the front bird the same as the front plank. While the flyer is lifted, they will let go of the base’s hands. Then, the flyer should arch their back whilst bringing their arms to their sides. Hold three breaths, then grasp hands with the base to return to the ground. The transition between the front plank and the front bird should be slow and deliberate. Be mindful of your body and your balance at this point. This beginner Acro Yoga pose is the ultimate balance test for the base and flyer.
This pose works the flyer’s glutes, back, and shoulder muscles. It also strengthens the base’s core and leg muscles. It’s a fantastic bonding experience for you and your acro yoga partner, filled with fun and excitement!
Chair Pose on Shins (Acro Yoga)
The base starts on their back, with their knees tucked into their chest and their shins parallel to the ceiling. The flyer then carefully steps on the shins of the base and goes into a chair pose. This pose builds leg strength in the base and the flyer’s core. Tightening the core helps balance an uneven surface. This beginner acro yoga pose requires good balance, so don’t be put off if you first struggle. Remember, with patience and practice, you can master this pose and feel encouraged by your progress. The journey to mastering this pose is as rewarding as the pose itself.
Jedi Plank
The Jedi Plank, a pose that builds trust and strengthens core muscles, is a must-try for beginners. The base, lying on its back, and the flyer, approaching in the opposite orientation, create a unique balance. The flyer grips the base’s ankles (or rests them on the ground) while lifting its legs one by one to be supported by the base. To take it one step further, the base and flyer can simultaneously bend at the waist as the base sits up and the flyer’s upper body approaches vertically. This pose is excellent for building trust and core muscles in acro yoga!
High Flying Whale
Test what you have learned about Acro balance with this pose! The flyer stands at the head of the base, facing away from the base. The base’s feet support the flyer’s weight as they arch and lean back into this balancing pose. The base then grips the flyer’s ankles and helps lift the flyer off the ground. This pose helps the base build serious strength by activating the glutes.
Remember to listen to your body and, most importantly, have fun with these beginner acro yoga poses. Switching up the partner’s roles is not just a fun way to practice but also a key to promoting balance in your practice and keeping things interesting. But most of all, enjoy the journey of learning acro yoga!
Practice acro yoga in our 200-hour and 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training courses.